

A Ceremony is a time-space of profound connection with the Great Mystery, with our heart, and with all the elements and dimensions we feel and perceive. It is a moment outside of time… every instant can become a ceremony when we connect with our breath.

In many ceremonies, we pray and celebrate, often around a sacred fire or an altar where all the primary elements of life—fire, earth, water, and air—are present. Music frequently accompanies ceremonies, further deepening the connection and the ability to listen to the everything within and around us.

Cocoa Ceremony

Cacao is a plant with powerful healing properties for the body, mind, and spirit. It allows us to connect with our emotions, expand consciousness, and open the Heart ❤️, fostering a profound and intimate connection with ourselves. The circle of Medicine Songs accompanies and embraces this process, bringing hearts closer together and grounding the connection in the here and now.

Cacao is a sacred plant that has been used for millennia by the indigenous peoples of Central America as an essential element in their rituals. A potent activator of serotonin, the hormone of Joy and Love, it lifts the mood and stimulates blood circulation.

In the Mayan cosmovision, the Spirit of Cacao was considered one of the most important deities. It is referred to by native peoples as “The Drink of the Gods.”

The consumption of cacao is a sacred moment, a gateway to connect with the Divine through a deep inner journey that begins with the heart…

Circle: Union of Medicine Families

The Circle of Medicine Families is a moment of profound importance for Pachacanta, one of the festival’s energetic centers without which it could not exist.

At the heart of our vision lies the dream of seeing the Medicine Families sitting together in a circle around the same fire, united in one great prayer, before a single grand altar symbolizing connection and union: the union of the Human Heart with the Great Spirit, of the One with the Whole.

Throughout the year, entire families or representatives of various spiritual traditions dedicate themselves to fostering spiritual growth—both individual and collective—through significant practices such as temazcal, vision quests, sun and moon dances, elemental ceremonies, and much more.

Each follows their path in different places, with unique methods, songs, and colors—each carrying their own distinctiveness and beauty. Pachacanta offers a unique opportunity for them to meet, to look into one another’s eyes, to listen, and to share what they carry forward throughout the year.

It is a chance to share and unite their prayers, intentions, and songs, with the awareness that they are all walking a single journey—on parallel paths but toward a common goal: a new humanity vibrant with Love and Care.

A moment to realize, together, that we are all Medicine for the World.

What are you waiting for?











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